Should I Get a Loan For My Car?

At first blush, personal finance seems like an untamable beast due to so many moving parts. You have to take into consideration your bills, taxes, income, future goals, investments and much more. Luckily, a simple way to combat this overwhelming feeling is to take into consideration what point in your life you are currently at.
While this can be said for virtually all facets of personal finance, it is perhaps the most important when considering a loan. Car loans, for example, are something that an individual should put quite a bit of thought into before making the leap.
Let’s take a look at a few of the things you should consider before moving forward with securing a car loan.

Consider Your Savings

First and foremost, you need to consider your savings. Always follow the golden rule of having a savings account with at least 3 months of expenses in it. This way, if you ever suddenly lose your job, you will have a nice buffer to hold you over while you look for another one. If you do not have at least 3 months of expenses covered with savings, chances are you’re going to need a loan. Dipping into your life savings just to buy a car outright when you can be paying a manageable monthly loan payment.

Consider Future Income

If you plan on buying your car outright instead of getting a loan, you’re going to need to consider your future income. Securing a loan when you’re unsure of whether or not you’re going to be able to pay for it is never a good idea. Always make sure you have a steady job that is very secure before moving ahead with a loan. Should you default on your loan, you will run into credit problems in the future making it hard to not only get a loan but credit cards as well.


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